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Spring Rhythm


This is  a creative section especially for the young maestros, young writers and the budding artistes . There is a creative self in every young person, and just as a sapling needs to be nurtured, tended with love and care, the young too need love, encouragement and space to create their niche for themselves . This space is for the budding generation with their new ideas, fresh approaches to art and aesthetics. We invite young people to contribute their thoughts, poems, stories, paintings, their innovations, songs, books, photography, clips from performances and what they feel like sharing with us, nationally and globally. 


This issue (Vol V: Issue 2) of Caesurae Journal consists of two sections, focusing on the creativity of young artistes, in two different age groups. We have a nine year old with her painting and a writeup to go with it. The youth section contains two contributions. One is a visual (video) by a college student in her late teens who refuses to disclose her name and would rather wish her penname to gather more acclaim. The second is also a visual (pic) by a young scholar and lecturer. 


Nistha Sinha


Nistha Sinha is eight years old. She is a painter and singer. She comes from a family of classical singers and is receiving talim from her mother, Shreemati Sohini Singha Mojumdar. At this age itself she has been a playback singer for a Bengali Serial. Here’s a clip:

Youtube Link

                                                             A Boat Ride on Ganga by Nistha Sinha

Youth Section


“Kkokkosh” (pen name) is nineteen years old. Her protest is against the bureaucrats in the social system. Her revolt is against their perverted rules, stances, and behavioural codes. This visual titled Flow is composed, shot, edited, and produced by her. The narrator in this visual is trapped by the warped social system and is struggling to get free. The song used in this video is just to compliment the visual.



Oly Roy

  Oly Roy  is a research scholar and a lecturer in St. Xavier’s College, Burdwan. The visual below is an artistic reflection of an epiphanic moment.



      And on the last day

      He walked out in the sun

      He only just discovered the sun

      On the last day …  .

Anchor 1
Khokkosh (1).jpeg
Oly Roy (1).jpg
Epiphany (1).jpg


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